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The Reverend Jeff Canvassing

May 16, 2019

Yes, I’m back! And I’m excited! It will be Friday tennis and lunch tomorrow and I can’t wait to reveal my latest success. I am now a professional photographer. One of my pictures from Kangaroo Island in Australia from about 4 years ago was recently acquired by the award winning and internationally acclaimed Getty Pictures. So I shall be explaining to the assembled multitude of silver spooner’s at lunch that apart from being a successful journalist, a successful author, the co creator of an award winning record label and playing cricket for England over 60’s, I am now a successful professional photographer!

But how do you measure success? I was asked this by The Reverend Jeff, in that measured vicar-like manner so beloved by people who believe in higher things (for that read failure to achieve) earlier in the week. He had eschewed his campsite in the Var (day release from canvassing?) and was visiting Valbonne with his long suffering but beautiful wife Nikki, so we had lunch in what were, for him, the rather opulent surroundings of Valbonne Square. You know the signs when someone is out of their comfort zone; too polite, fidgety, overawed, eager to please.  Perhaps it was the sleeveless “vest” he was wearing but I am sure he would have been more comfortable back at the campsite checking his tent pegs, or raging from the pulpit about the inequality of life, but it was good to see him to remind him of my continuing success in all walks of life and of my superior sporting prowess. My answer to his question should surprise none of my pals. “Financial return is my measure of success”, I said, so he asked how much I had received from the sale of my first photograph and seemed less than impressed that it was US$2.00. From small acorns etc… I will of course be seeking the best possible exchange rate from those lovely people at Currencies Direct. I had the conversation with the good Reverend about currency exchange but quickly came to the opinion that the scale of his international currency dealings was not worth my while signing him up.

Whilst lunching we were interrupted by Neil “I’m Free” Humphreys, where us published authors discussed the difficult 3rd book and his stand up comedy possibilities. It was a jolly occasion which I could see in the widely shining eyes of the Reverend Jeff had opened up a new world for him. I had left Tony “I Invented The Internet” Coombs at home trying to make his invention work properly but came back to find him sleeping on a lounger whilst trying out my latest hat, as todays picture shows…


So back to Friday. Sadly The Wingco will not be present for the traditional lunch at The Auberge St Donat because aged 67 he has finally landed regular employment. We had to explain to him a few weeks ago when he began work that this was a “job” and he should be pleased that he had at last found one (actually, I think it found him. He certainly wasn’t looking for it). The Master Mariner Mundell will be present at lunch but not tennis as he has a “hurty ” elbow. Dancing Greg Harris from Côte D’Azur Villa Rentals will no doubt be there trying to calm the fears of his many clients worried about the lack of summer bookings for their villas. Nick “Fallen Off His” Pearch will no doubt be very impressed and I am sure that they will all be enthusiastically congratulating and be very encouraging about this new string to my bow…


Chris France

5 Comments leave one →
  1. Rev. Jeff I permalink
    May 16, 2019 7:17 pm

    Thrilled to see I am still the one man in the world who can drive you to a sense of humour misjudgement !! I know the fact that money can’t buy looks and style really niggles you. Issy looked great by the way.🤩🤩🤩xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pinman permalink
    May 17, 2019 12:13 pm

    We are battening down the hatches and breaking out tin hats in anticipation of your arrival in Blighty during June. Local pubs are panic buying Timothy Taylor’s “Landlord” in firkin quantity and beefing up their security ! Good to see that the good reverend still has cognoscence of your soft underbelly………..


  3. Cristhian permalink
    May 28, 2019 11:57 pm

    Where can I contact you I met Larry smithster and he told me you could take a look at my music! I leaved my email there.


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